• beach renourishment
  • creation of solar panels
  • optic fibres
  • ceramics
  • ​construction

The Managing Directors of EcoMarine Solutions has been involved in dredging projects that amass to over 100 million m3 of material. Their experience with overseeing the permitting process, environmental management and execution of such a project provides the breadth of experience to undertake small and large scale sand extraction projects end-to-end. 

EcoMarine Solutions Pty Ltd is be financially supported by an investment house, which specialises in funding through private equity. 

For further information regarding engaging EcoMarine for nearshore or offshore sand projects or supply, please call Adam Cohen or Daniel Spooner. Contact details available here. Alternatively please complete the enquiry form.

Beneficial Sand Recovery and Recycling

There is currently a world-wide shortage of sand. 

Sand resource supplies locally, nationally and in particular within Asia are dwindling and new sustainable options need to be sourced. 

EcoMarine Solutions was established to assist industry in identifying and supplying sustainable sand and working with State and Federal bodies to consider ways to beneficially reuse sand and ensure supply is secure now and into the future.

​​EcoMarine Solutions (EcoMarine) undertakes nearshore and offshore sand resource recycling and recovery. EcoMarine recycles and reuses sand, which has been traditionally destined for disposal into the marine environment to offshore spoil grounds and also targets sand which is lost to the continental shelf. EcoMarine was formed as part of a paradigm shift in how we should be maintaining outer shipping channel operations and recreational vessel access in shallow river entrances in Australia. Our team has witnessed millions of tonnes of dredged material being disposed of into the offshore marine environment. EcoMarine investigates ways to sustainably and beneficially utilise and recycle this sand, which is in accordance with the objectives of the Assessment Framework in the Australian National Assessment Guidelines for Dredging (Commonwealth of Australia, 2009).

EcoMarine Solutions together with its alliance partner, Australasian Marine Associates Pty Ltd, will lead the environmental due diligence, permitting and scientific investigations for guiding sand recovery projects. AMA is an Australian company that has a well established reputation for guiding engineering project design and maximise environmental outcomes. AMA has specialist knowledge of marine ecology, ecosystem and coastal processes functioning, physical–chemical characteristics, impact assessment, risk mitigation and marine environmental approvals, which will be utilised to ensure sound environmental and engineering practices are adopted in all phases of a project's life cycle. 

Nearshore and Offshore Sand Recovery for use in: